Risk Acknowledgement and Assumpon of Risk
A) The Provider shall use its best judgment and good faith eorts in rendering the Services to the
Client and the Client Assets. The Provider’s services shall not constute any nancial, legal, or tax
advice, analysis, or opinion. The Provider does not guarantee any future performance or any specic
performance, the success of any services that the Client may use, or any success of any of the
Provider’s Services to the Client or the Fund Accounts.
B) The Client understands and acknowledges that investment decisions are subject to various market,
currency, economic, polical, technology, force majeure, and business risks and will not always be
protable. Moreover, the Client is aware that maintaining the Fund Accounts via third party exchange
also exposes the Client to certain risks that cannot be migated by the Pares. The Provider will only
provide services with respect to the cryptocurrency and other investments held in the Fund Accounts
and, will not consider any other securies, cash, or other investments owned by the Client.
C) Without limitaon of any indemnicaon or limitaon of liability set forth herein, the Provider will
not be liable to the Client or to any of its aliates or customers for (a) any loss that Client may suer
by reason of any services oered, used or omied in good faith by the Provider with a degree of care,
skill, prudence, and diligence under the circumstances of a prudent businessperson; or (b) any loss
arising from the Client’s or custodian’s wrien or oral instrucons or restricons (whereby the Client
herewith agrees to rafy any acon taken by the Provider pursuant to any of the Client’s
telefax/mail/telephone instrucon and that such assumpon of risk, discharge, indemnity and
agreement to perform and rafy, shall extend to all communicaons, made or purporng to be made
by any aorneys or veried proxies, now or hereaer appointed, acng from me to me on behalf
of the Client.); or (c) any act or failure to act by any custodian of any of the Client Assets or by any
other third party; or (d) any force majeure event as dened in this Agreement; or (e) as otherwise set
forth in this Agreement.
D) The Client herewith arms that the Client has received the opportunity to review the Client
Strategies in detail and has received the opportunity to discuss the Client Strategies with the Provider.
The Client furthermore arms that as an accredited, qualied, professional, or otherwise
sophiscated investor it fully understands the nature of the services to be provided by the Provider
and has agreed to and approved the content of the Client Strategies developed by the Provider on
behalf of the Client. Nevertheless, the Client is aware that the performance of the services and the
implementaon of the Client Strategies each involve nancial risk to the Client, is aware that such
risks are inherent in the nature of the acvies covered by this Agreement, and therefore accepts
that such risks cannot be enrely excluded or migated. Without limitaon, the same shall apply
accordingly regarding any derivave risks exceeding the balance of any Fund Account.
E) The Client therefore accepts and fully assumes the risks related to the services and, in parcular,
but without limitaon, all risks associated with any cryptocurrency trading conducted through the
services, any risks related to the Client Strategies, any usage instrucons given by the Provider and/or
any third pares authorized by the Provider, any delayed, inaccurate or failed execuon of
instrucons because of miscommunicaon or errors, any delayed receipt of instrucons or
breakdowns in transmission/internet/postal or other services or any third party acon or failure; and
the Provider shall not be held responsible for any consequence, including any loss, liability or expense
whatsoever, that may result if any risks, including those menoned above, should materialize. In such
regard, and in addion to any other indemnicaon agreed to between the Pares, the Client shall